コンクリート工学年次大会 2013(名古屋)


第35回コンクリート工学講演会 » 地震被害

[L74] 地震被害

2013年7月11日(木) 13:15 〜 15:00 第5会場 231号室 (名古屋国際会議場)

[座長(建築)]椛山 健二、[座長(土木)]吉川 弘道

[L2190] Seismic performance and evaluation on a RC rigid-frame arch bridge considering damage of foundation

施 鐘淇1,幸左 賢二1,張 建東2,佐々木 達生3 (1.九州工業大学,2.Jiangsu Transportation Research Institute,3.大日本コンサルタント)


Xiaoyudong Bridge received great damage in Wenchuan Earthquake. As a RC rigid-frame arch bridge, its dynamic behavior was not sufficiently studied. By 2-span dynamic analyses, it is found exposure of pile made P3 more deformable. This caused more severe local failure on Span 4, especially failure of arch leg by axial stress up to 65% fck. Besides, local failure reduced degree of static indeterminacy, which caused gradual loss of entire stability. Consequently, Span 3 & 4 collapsed into river finally.