JCI Annual Convention in KOBE

Presentation information

The 40th JCI Technical Conference

A.Material & Construction » Aggregate / Alkali silica reaction/ Chloride attack / Corrosion & Corrosion prevention

Chloride attack II

Wed. Jul 4, 2018 3:30 PM - 5:45 PM Room 1 (9F EX1-A)

座長:上田隆雄(土木), 福山智子(建築)

[1108] A basic study on quantitative estimation of Environment condition of chloride attack using a thin mortar plate

Jun TOMIYAMA1, Hiroshi KAZAMA2, Masaya HIGA3, Tsuneo SUNAGAWA1 (1.琉球大学 2.アール・アンド・エー 3.沖縄県建設技術センター)

Keywords:chloride attack environment, common exposure test, surface chloride Concentration, thin mortar plate, 共通暴露試験, 塩害環境, 薄板モルタル供試体, 表面塩化物イオン濃度
