


A.材料・施工 » 舗装・ダム/再生コンクリート/サステイナビリティ(環境側面)/リサイクル


2018年7月5日(木) 13:00 〜 15:45 第8会場 (9F EX4-A)

座長:綾野克紀(土木), 濱崎仁(建築)

[1234] Behavior-Based Indicator Reduction Technique for Evaluating the Sustainability of Concrete

Joel OPON1, Michael HENRY1 (1.Hokkaido University)

キーワード:analytic hierarchy process, indicator selection, indicators, sustainable concrete

Concrete sustainability evaluation needs less but valuable indicators. A technique using the coefficient of variation to eliminate progressively indicators from an exhaustive set to form reduced sets of indicators is presented. The effect of the reduction was evaluated using analytic hierarchy process, suggesting that the ranking of alternatives is less sensitive to the omission of trivial indicators, thereby, leading to the identification of the relatively most sustainable concrete mix. This technique, therefore, has significant applications in indicator selection for sustainable concrete analysis.