JCI Annual Convention in KOBE

Presentation information

The 40th JCI Technical Conference

B.Structural & Design » Structural analysis / Constitutive equation / Framed structure

Structural analysis / Constitutive equation / Framed structure

Fri. Jul 6, 2018 1:00 PM - 3:15 PM Room 4 (9F EX3-B)

座長:内田裕市(土木), 米澤健次(建築)

[2012] Development of constitutive model for cracked and frost-damaged reinforced concrete elements under uniaxial compression

Takeru KANAZAWA1, Yasuhiko SATO2 (1.北海学園大学 2.早稲田大学)

Keywords:anisotropy of frost damage, anisotropy of mechanical response, freeze-thaw action, reinforced concrete, stress-strain relationship, 鉄筋コンクリート, 凍結融解作用, 損傷の異方性, 力学的異方性, 応力−ひずみ関係
