JCI Annual Convention in NAGOYA

Presentation information

The 43rd JCI Technical Conference

A. Material & Construction » Fire resistance

Fire resistance

Fri. Jul 9, 2021 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM Room 2 (Virtual Room)

座長:馬場重彰(土木), 都築正則(建築)

[1118] Examination of spalling behaviors of ring-restrained specimens made of various polymer cement mortars under high temperature

Yusuke SUGINO1, Mitsuo OZAWA2, Toru TANIBE1, Makiho SUKEKAWA2 (1.太平洋マテリアル 2.群馬大学)

Keywords:fire、polymer cement mortar、restraint stress、ring-restrained specimen、spalling、vapor pressure、ポリマーセメントモルタル、リング拘束供試体法、拘束応力、水蒸気圧、火災、爆裂