


A. 材料・施工 » サステイナビリティ(環境側面)


2024年6月27日(木) 13:15 〜 15:00 第6会場 (多目的ルームB)


[1271] 高流動コンクリートを用いた施工のライフサイクルアセスメントおよび生産性評価

ヘンリーマイケル1, 鈴木将充2, 早川健司2, 加藤佳孝3 (1.芝浦工業大学 2.東急建設 3.東京理科大学)

キーワード:CO₂ emissions、concrete managed by slump flow、value-added productivity

The goals of this study are to analyze the effects of high flowability concrete on CO2 emitted in the construction of a concrete footing and to evaluate the productivity treating CO2 reduction as added value. Higher flowability was effective in reducing emissions in the construction phase when compared to normal concrete, but the greater cement content of these mixes led to a much larger carbon footprint overall. Total production cost also increased with an increase in flowability. Consequently, value-added productivity when using high flowability concrete was lower than when using normal concrete.