


B. 構造・設計 » 合成・混合構造/環境配慮型コンクリート(構造)


2024年6月28日(金) 13:15 〜 15:00 第8会場 (スカイホール)


[2115] 孔あき鋼板ジベルを用いたリユース可能な構造体の接合方法に関する実験・解析的研究

ウサレムハッサン1, 掛悟史1 (1.竹中工務店)

キーワード:precast construction、reusable structure、shear connector、push-out test、numerical analysis

Aiming for suitable joints of reusable structural elements, the strength of perforated steel plates used as shear connectors welded to beam top flange and connected to concrete slab is investigated experimentally and numerically. Two types of joints were compared: Shear connectors when embedded directly in a concrete slab and shear connectors embedded in grouted pockets made in the slab. Test results showed the suitability of the latter type in terms of strength, deformation, ductility and stiffness.The numerical investigation proved to be appropriate in evaluating the behavior of such connectors.