2021 Japanese Economic Association Autumn Meeting

Presentation information


English Session: Development Economics

Sat. Oct 9, 2021 2:20 PM - 3:50 PM Room7 (23番教室/オンライン)

座長:山田 浩之(慶応大学) 

2:50 PM - 3:20 PM

[1F04-06-02] Women Leadership Governance and Allocation of Public Goods in India

報告者:森 悠子1、D Rajasekhar2、R Manjula3、Takashi Kurosaki4、Jun Goto5 (1. 津田塾大学、2. Institute for Social and Economic Change、3. Institute for Social and Economic Change、4. Hitotsubashi University、5. Kobe Univrsity)
討論者:奥山 陽子 (Uppsala University)
