

Venous Intervention

[F8] Venous Intervention
Deep Venous Intervention (1)

2019年2月23日(土) 13:20 〜 14:50 HallF (Dahlia)

Moderator: 山田 典一 (桑名市総合医療センター),横井 宏佳(福岡山王病院 )
Panelist: 伊元 裕樹(福岡和白病院),孟 真(Yokohama Minami Kyousai Hospital),安齋 均(SUBARU health insurance Ota memorial hospital),安齋 均(SUBARU health insurance Ota memorial hospital),中村 浩彰 (加古川中央市民病院)

[F08-3] Review of the ATTRACT trial and the path forward for acute DVT management

Mitchell Silver (Riverside Methodist Hospital)