

Poster session

[POSTER] Poster session

2019年2月22日(金) 09:00 〜 18:20 ポスター会場

[MP-19] The case with acute stent thrombosis of Viabahn in the bilateral SFA simultaneously

Kenzo Uzu (Hyogo Brain and Heart Center)

A 58-years-old male with intermittent claudication was performed endovascular treatment in our hospital. In the procedure, the target lesions were severe stenosis lesions in bilateral common iliac artery and left superficial femoral artery (SFA) and chronic total occlusion lesion in right SFA. SMART (Cordis, Inc) was implanted in the bilateral common iliac, and right SFA was treated with bilateral puncture and wire rendez-vous. Viabahn(Gore & Associates, Inc) 5.0mm/ 250mm was implanted in right SFA, and Viabahn 6.0mm/ 150mm, 6.0mm/ 100mm were implanted in left SFA. In outpatient 1 month later, although the symptom was minor, bilateral leg blood pressure has declined. In CT angiography, acute stent thrombosis of bilateral Viabahn was detected. In few weeks later, .surgical thrombectomy was performed.
In previous data, Viabahn has shown the comparable patency rates to conventional stent in the mid-term follow-up. However, stent thrombosis was observed in higher rates. We will show the case with acute stent thrombosis of Viabahn in the bilateral SFA simultaneously.