The 10th JFPS International Symposium on Fluid Power 2017

Session information

Oral Presentation

Oil hydraulics

[1C06-10] H3 (Tribology, Seals, Contamination)

Wed. Oct 25, 2017 2:20 PM - 3:40 PM Room C (ACROS Fukuoka)

Chair:Toshiharu Kazama(Muroran Institute of Technology), Juergen Weber(Technische Universitaet Dresden)

3:08 PM - 3:24 PM

*Julian Angerhausen1, Hubertus Murrenhoff1, Leonid Dorogin2, Bo N.J. Persson2, Michele Scaraggi3 (1. Institute for Fluid Power Drives and Controls (IFAS), RWTH Aachen University, 2. Peter Grünberg Institut – 1, Forschungszentrum Jülich, 3. Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Innovazione, Università del Salento)




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