The 87th Congress of the Japan Gestroenterological Endoscopy Society

Presentation information

一般 口演


[O11] 胃 診断

Thu. May 15, 2014 2:00 PM - 3:20 PM 第12会場 (福岡国際会議場 5F 502)

座長:吉治仁志(奈良県立医科大学 第3内科
(消化器・内分泌代謝内科), 丸山保彦(藤枝市立総合病院 消化器内科)

[O11-07] Correlation between bile reflux gastritis and biliary excreted contrast media in stomach on gadoxetic acid-enhanced MRC

Jong J. Hyun1, Suk K. Yeom2, Seung W. Lee2, Hwan H. Chung2, Baek H. Kim2, Sang H. Cha2 (1.Dept. of Internal Medicine, Korea University Hospital, Korea, 2.Dept. of Radiology, Korea University Hospital, Korea)

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