The 87th Congress of the Japan Gestroenterological Endoscopy Society

Presentation information

一般 口演


[O15] 胆道ドレナージ2 メタリックステント 他

Thu. May 15, 2014 2:00 PM - 3:20 PM 第13会場 (福岡国際会議場 5F 503)

座長:今津博雄(東京慈恵会医科大学 消化器内科・内視鏡科), Young Deok Cho(Institute for Digestive Research, Dept. of Internal Medicine, Soon Chung Hyang Univ. Hospital, Korea)

[O15-02] Endoscopic nested y-shaped SEMS placement for advanced klaskin's tumor: Study of novel stent with unique mesh structure

Young Jae Byun, Kyo-Sang Yoo, SM Kim, YO Ro, TY Kim, CS Eun, JH Sohn, YC Jeon, DS Han (Dep. of Gastroenterology and Hepatology)

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