The 87th Congress of the Japan Gestroenterological Endoscopy Society

Presentation information

一般 ポスター


[P067] 胃 ESD 6

Fri. May 16, 2014 10:15 AM - 10:40 AM ポスター会場 (マリンメッセ福岡 1F アリーナ)

座長:森山智彦(九州大学 病態機能内科)

[P-339] Immediate and long-term outcome of ESD for differentiated intramucosal gastric cancer compared to surgical resection

Sung Min Park1, Ji Hee Kim1, Byung Wook Kim1, Jin Jo Kim2, Joon Sung Kim1 (1.Department of Internal Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea, 2.Department of General Surgery, The Catholic University of Korea)

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