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[P37] 胃 症例2

Sat. May 30, 2015 2:00 PM - 2:30 PM ポスター会場③ (名古屋国際会議場 1号館3階 会議室133+134)

Chizuko Takechi

[P-181] A case of submucosal tumor-like gastric cancer diagnosed by EUS-FNA and its endoscopic findings in early stage

Shinichiro Sato1, Shosuke Hosaka1, Misako Okabayashi1, Kiyotaka Umeki1, Masaaki Hamada2, Ryosuke Kobayashi2,3 (1.Gastroenterology,Chibanishi General Hospital,Matsudo,Japan, 2.Gatroenterological Surgery,Chibanishi general hospital,Matsudo,Japan, 3.Gatroenterological Surgery,Chiba cancer center,Chiba,Japan)

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