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Panel discussion

パネルディスカッション 1

[PD01] PD01. 内視鏡診療における鎮静に関するガイドラインを検証する

Sun. May 31, 2015 1:10 PM - 3:40 PM 第3会場 (名古屋国際会議場 4号館1階 白鳥ホール(南))

Katsutoshi Obara(Department of Endoscopy, Fukushima Medical University Hospital, Japan), Masanori Sugiyama(Department of Surgery, Kyorin University, Japan)

[PD01-12] Utility of propofol sedation by using new computer-assisted personalized sedation system

Keiji Takahashi1, Shinei Kudo2, Haruhiko Ogata3 (1.Matsushima Hospital Colorectal Disease Center-Matsushima Clinic,Yokohama-City, Kanagawa, Japan, 2.Showa University Northern Yokohama Hospital, Digestive Disease Center, Yokohama-city, Kanagawa, 3.Keio University School of Medicine, Center for Diagnostic and Therapeutic Endoscopy, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo)

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