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Special - Panel Discussion -


[SS] SS. 臨床研究と出版の倫理 -内視鏡学会はどうあるべきか-

Fri. May 29, 2015 2:30 PM - 4:30 PM 第2会場 (名古屋国際会議場 4号館1階 白鳥ホール(北))

Choitsu Sakamoto(Department of Gastroenterology, Nippon Medical School Graduate School of Medicine), Soichiro Miura(President, National Defense Medical College, Japan)

[SS-03] Transparency as a Key to Promote Ethical Practice in the Publication of Research

Mark Robertson1,2 (1.Wiley Vice President, 2.Director of Research Publishing and Government Affairs Asia-Pacific, President, Wiley Japan)

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