
Presentation information

Panel discussion

パネルディスカッション 3

[PD03] PD03. バレット食道癌の内視鏡診断の現状と将来展望

Sat. May 30, 2015 9:00 AM - 11:30 AM 第4会場 (名古屋国際会議場 3号館3階 国際会議室)

Kumiko Momma(Department of Endoscopy, Tokyo Metropolitan Cancer and Infectious Diseases Center, Komagome Hospital, Japan), Tsuneo Oyama(Department of Endoscopy, Saku Central Hospital Advanced Care Center, Japan)

[kityokoen4] Endoscopic diagnosis of Barrett's esophageal adenocarcinoma -Japanese view point-

Yuji Amano (Div. of Endoscopy, Kaken Hospital, International University of Health and Welfare, Japan)

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