The 55th Annual Meeting of the Japan National Conference on Geotechnical Engineering

Presentation information

Discussion Session

DS-9 斜面災害のリスク低減を目指して


Tue. Jul 21, 2020 12:20 PM - 2:50 PM ZOOM 2 (Held online)


[DS-9-14] Development of resident participation-type slope measurement and monitoring system and its operation method – An example of Takasu-cho, Fukui City, Japan

*Tomofumi Koyama1, Seiji Kondo1, Taizo Kobayashi2, Shin-ichi Akutagawa3, Takeshi Sato4, Katsuyuki Nakata5, Kazuyuki Shimojima6 (1. Kansai University, 2. Ritsumeikan Unversity, 3. Kobe University, 4. Asano Taiseikiso Engineering, 5. Office Himorogi, 6. Technical Think)

Keywords:daily desaster prevenition activities, OSV, Slope measurement

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