The 58th Annual Meeting of the Japan National Conference on Geotechnical Engineering

Presentation information


6. 地盤と構造物 (動的問題を含む)


Tue. Jul 11, 2023 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM 第3会場 (405&406)

座長:横井 康人((株)大林組)

[11-3-3-03] Measurement Accuracy of Scattering Type RI Moisture Meter for Excavated Soil in TBM Chamber

*Mori Kaichi1, Shinji Kushida1, Kenichi Kawano1, Hideki Nagatani1, Atsushi Shiomi2 (1. Kajima Corporation, 2. Soil and Rock Engineering Co.,Ltd.)

Keywords:RI Moisture Meter, Discharged soil volume management, mud pressure shield tunneling method

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