The 58th Annual Meeting of the Japan National Conference on Geotechnical Engineering

Presentation information


7. 地盤防災


Tue. Jul 11, 2023 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM 第7会場 (412)

座長:萩森 大佑(戸田建設(株))

[11-7-4-02] Results of monitoring measurements on slopes with cover installation from 2019 to 2022

*Takahashi Ryosuke1, Satoshi Kagamihara1, Naoto Iwasa2, Kazuo Kanemura3, Masakazu Katayama4, Syuichi Toshito5, Kiyotaka Nishiura6, Masaki Ishikawa7, Yuko Ishida8, Shinichi Akutagawa9 (1. Dia Consultants, 2. Fujii consulting &associates, 3. Chuo Fukken Consultants, 4. Nikken Sekkei, 5. Raito Kogyo, 6. Oriental Consultants, 7. Kawasaki Geological Engineering, 8. Kindai University Technological College, 9. Kobe University)

Keywords:surface failure, covering, water content

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