The 58th Annual Meeting of the Japan National Conference on Geotechnical Engineering

Presentation information


4. 地盤挙動 (地震時の地盤挙動を除く)


Wed. Jul 12, 2023 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM 第12会場 (503)

座長:重松 慶樹(鹿島建設(株))

[12-12-3-03] Measured value verification of subsidence measuring
equipment installed by PBD driving machine and subsidence
properties below the Ac layer in Yumeshima 2nd Ward

*Ootsuki Kazuma1, Tsukasa Sakakibara2, Shinichiro Shiraga2, Akihiko Oshima3 (1. Penta-Ocean Construction, 2. Kinjo Rubber, 3. Osaka Metropolitan University)

Keywords:consolidation settlement, very soft ground, different settlement gage

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