The 58th Annual Meeting of the Japan National Conference on Geotechnical Engineering

Presentation information


7. 地盤防災


Wed. Jul 12, 2023 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM 第8会場 (413)

座長:山下 航洋(五洋建設株式会社)

[12-8-1-08] Comparison of the actual damage and disaster risk assessment using GNS of the 1923 Great Kanto Earthquake

*Yasukuni Yasukuni Kyohei1, Kazuya Itoh1, Shigeto Osato2, Nobutaka Hiraoka3, Tomofumi Koyama4, Mamoru Kikumoto5 (1. Tokyo City University Graduate School, 2. Corp.Doshitsu Research, 3. Janiosh, 4. Kansai University, 5. Yokohama National University Graduate School)

Keywords:geotechnical disaster, geographical information system, sediment disasters

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