The 58th Annual Meeting of the Japan National Conference on Geotechnical Engineering

Presentation information


7. 地盤防災


Wed. Jul 12, 2023 10:45 AM - 12:15 PM 第8会場 (413)

座長:山本 健太郎(大分大学)

[12-8-2-01] A Prediction Method for Seismic Shallow-Seated Sliding Displacement of Finite Length Slope Based on Nermark's Method

*Murakami Haruna1, Satoshi Murakami2, Tomomi Nishi2, Shinya Omori3, Hideyuki Asada3, Kazuya Yasuhara4, Tadao Enomoto4 (1. Fukuoka University Graduate School, 2. Fukuoka University, 3. Toa Corporation, 4. Ibaraki University)

Keywords:slope stability analysis, surface failure, earthquake wave

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