The 58th Annual Meeting of the Japan National Conference on Geotechnical Engineering

Presentation information


4. 地盤挙動 (地震時の地盤挙動を除く)


Thu. Jul 13, 2023 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM 第12会場 (503)

座長:劉 偉晨(鹿島建設(株))

[13-12-1-01] Development of cylindrical deep mixing technology (Ring jet method).
Part 1, Full scale experiments, workability, and construction shape confirmation.

*Hiroshi Yamaguchi1, Arashi Shimano1, Komaki Takahiro2, Yasuharu Nakanishi3, Koji Watanabe4 (1. SANSHIN CORPORATION, 2. Toyo Industry Co.,Ltd., 3. N.IT.Inc, 4. Aichi Institute of Technology)

Keywords:ground improvement, deep mixing method, full scale experiment

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