The 59th Annual Meeting of the Japan National Conference on Geotechnical Engineering

Presentation information


7. 地盤防災


Tue. Jul 23, 2024 8:50 AM - 10:30 AM Room 13 (Asahikawa Toyo Hotel Suisho)

座長:小早川 博亮(電力中央研究所)

[23-13-1-09] Relationship between Groundwater Level and Soil Water Index Based on In-situ Volumetric Water Content Measurements on the slope of Ankokuji Temple

*KOKI ISOBE1, Kazuhiro ODA1, Keigo Koizumi2, Shin-ichi ITO3 (1. Osaka Sangyo University, 2. Earth watch institute inc., 3. Ritsumeikan University)

Keywords:Ground water , Field measurement, Soil water index

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