The 59th Annual Meeting of the Japan National Conference on Geotechnical Engineering

Presentation information


DS-1 地盤情報データベースの整備とその利活用


Tue. Jul 23, 2024 8:50 AM - 12:15 PM Room 2 (Art Hotel Asahikawa Ball Room I)

座長:清木 隆文(宇都宮大学大学院 地域創生科学研究科 社会デザイン科学専攻) 
副座長:和田 里絵(応用地質株式会社 技術本部)

[DS-1-05] Case study on prediction method of permeability coefficient from borehole database

*ITO HIROKO1, Teruyuki Hamada2, Teruyuki Fujiwara1, Naoko Kitada1, Tomoyuki Ohtani3 (1. Geo-Research Institute, 2. ex-Geo-Research Institute, 3. Faculty of Engineering, Gifu University)

Keywords:low-temperature geothermal, borehole database, hydraulic conductivity

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