The 59th Annual Meeting of the Japan National Conference on Geotechnical Engineering

Presentation information


DS-5 文化財防災-地盤工学の視点から-


Wed. Jul 24, 2024 8:50 AM - 12:15 PM Room 2 (Art Hotel Asahikawa Ball Room I)

座長:澤田 茉伊(東京工業大学)

[DS-5-09] Damage analysis of Kanazawa Castle cultural property stone walls caused by the 2020 Noto Peninsula Earthquake using self-organizing maps (SOM)

*Tomofumi Koyama KOYAMA1, Kohei HARA1, Minoru YAMANAKA2, Hiroshi KITANO3, Ikuno NISHIDA4, Wakio TOMITA4 (1. Kansai University, 2. Kagawa University, 3. Tohoku University of Art and Design, 4. Kanazawa Castle Research Institute, Ishikawa Prefecture)

Keywords:2020 Noto Peninsula Earthquake, Kanazawa Castle cultural property stone walls , Self-organizing mapsaps

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