The 59th Annual Meeting of the Japan National Conference on Geotechnical Engineering

Presentation information


DS-7 洋上風力の最新の展開と今後の展望


Tue. Jul 23, 2024 8:50 AM - 12:15 PM Room 3 (Art Hotel Asahikawa Ball Room II)

座長:土田 孝(広島大学名誉教授 土田地盤工学研究所) 
副座長:水野 健太(若築建設(株)技術研究所)

[DS-7-05] Review of Conventional Studies on Construction of Substructure of Offshore Wind Power Facilities

*Takahiro Kumagai1, Kazuhiro Tsurugasaki2, Takatoshi Noguchi3 (1. Penta-Ocean Construction Co., Ltd., 2. Toyo Construction Co., Ltd., 3. Waterfront Vitalization and Environment Research Foundation)

Keywords:Offshore wind power, Bottom-mounted, Floating

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