2019 Fall Annual(165th) Meeting

Presentation information

General Session

10. Energy and Related Materials » Nuclear Materials

[G] Nuclear Materials(2)

Thu. Sep 12, 2019 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM G (D24 at 1st Flr. Building D for General Education)

座長:笠田 竜太(東北大学)、大沢 一人(九州大学)、外山 健(東北大学)、能登裕之(自然科学研究機構)

11:45 AM - 12:00 PM

[224] Study on Cu-containing High Entropy Alloys for Nuclear Fusion Application

*LEI Yu1, Hashimoto Naoyuki2, Isobe Sigehito2 (1. 北海道大工(院生)、2. 北海道大工)

Keywords:High entropy alloys、Mechanical properties、Cu-containing alloys

This study focuses on the Cu and four Cu-containing Multi-Principal Element Alloys (MPEAs) to determine the influence of multiplying metallic elements in MPEAs.

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