2019 Fall Annual(165th) Meeting

Presentation information

Koubo Symposium

[S3] S3 Materials Science of Kink Strengthening II(3)

Fri. Sep 13, 2019 9:00 AM - 12:10 PM U (DaiKohgishistu at 3rd Flr. Faculty of Engineering, Build.No.1)

座長:山崎 倫昭(熊本大学)、君塚 肇(大阪大学)

10:40 AM - 10:55 AM

[S3.34] 種々の層厚さを有するNi-Co-Cu/Cu多層膜の圧縮変形

*KANEKO Yoshihisa1, KUBOMAE Tomohiro2, UCHIDA Makoto1 (1. 大阪市立大・工、2. 大阪市立大(院生))



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