
Session information


7.Biomedical and Health Care » Biomaterials Development and Clinics

[G] Biomaterials Development and Clinics

Fri. Sep 18, 2020 9:00 AM - 12:15 PM Rm. L (ZoomRm.L)

Chair:Mitsuo Niinomi(Tohoku University), Naoko Ikeo(Kobe University) Sub Chairman (assistant):


9:15 AM - 9:30 AM

*Tatsuya TSUYUZAKI1, Maki ASHIDA2, Peng CHEN2, Yoichi TAKIZAWA3, Manabu YUMOTO3, Yoshiharu OTAGIRI3, Zenji HORITA4, Takao HANAWA2 (1. Graduate school of Medical and Dental Sciences, Tokyo Medical and Dental Univ., 2. Inst. of Biomaterials and Bioengineering, Tokyo Medical and Dental Univ., 3. Nagano Forging Co., Ltd., 4. Kyushu Inst. of Technology)

break (10:15 AM - 10:30 AM)

10:45 AM - 11:00 AM

*Koki TOKIAI1, Tomoyo MANAKA2, Yusuke TSUTSUMI3, Maki ASHIDA4, Chen PENG4, Daisuke TERADA5, Takao HANAWA4 (1. Graduate School of Engineering, Chiba Inst. of Technology, 2. Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Tokyo Medical and Dental Univ., 3. National Inst. for Material Science, 4. Inst. of Biomaterials and Bioengineering, Tokyo Medical and Dental Univ., 5. Chiba Inst. of Technology)

break (11:15 AM - 11:30 AM)




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