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7.Biomedical and Health Care » Fundamentals of Biomaterials and Bio-responses

[G] Fundamentals of Biomaterials and Bio-responses(1)

Wed. Sep 16, 2020 1:00 PM - 4:25 PM Rm. L (ZoomRm.L)

Chair: Sub Chairman (assistant):

2:35 PM - 2:50 PM

[187] Effect of electrolyte using pulsed anodization of NiTi alloy on the inhibition of Ni ion release

*Kako YAMASAKI1, Hiroki TANIHO1, Kasumi TATE2, Naofumi OHTSU3 (1. Kitami Inst. of Tech., 2. Kitami Inst. of Tech., 3. Kitami Inst. of Tech.)



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