
Presentation information


10. Energy and Related Materials » Hydrogen and Battery Related Materials

[G] Battery Materials and Ionic Conduction

Thu. Sep 17, 2020 3:45 PM - 5:00 PM Rm. K (ZoomRm.K)

Chair:Atsushi UNEMOTO Sub Chairman (assistant):

4:00 PM - 4:15 PM

[156] Structural and Electrochemical Properties of Ce0.95A0.05F2.95 Fluoride-Ion Conductors

*Kazuhiro MORI1, Yoshiyuki Morit2, Takashi Saito3, Takashi Kamiyama3, Toshiya Otomo3, Toshiharu Fukunaga4 (1. 京大複合研、2. ホンダ、3. KEK物構研、4. 京大産官学)


Mg,Ca,SrおよびBaを5%添加したCe0.95A0.05F2.95A = Mg,Ca,Sr,Ba)試料を用いて電気伝導度測定および中性子回折実験を行い,本系の構造変化,フッ素欠損の位置およびイオン伝導との関係について調べた.

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