
Presentation information


7.Biomedical and Health Care » Fundamentals of Biomaterials and Bio-responses

[G] Fundamentals of Biomaterials and Bio-responses(2)

Thu. Sep 17, 2020 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM Rm. L (ZoomRm.L)

Chair: Sub Chairman (assistant):Naoko Ikeo(Kobe University)

1:30 PM - 1:45 PM

[203] The influence of wettability of titanium substrate on culturing macrophage and osteoblast

*KOUSUKE OKANO3, SATOSHI OKANO1, SENGO KOBAYASHI1, TAKEAKI OKAMOTO2, KENSUKE KURODA4 (1. Ehime university Science and Engineering, 2. Enime university Education, 3. Ehime university Science and Engineering (Graduate student), 4. Nagoya university Future society creation organization)



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