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8.Structural Materials » Composite Materials

[G] Composite Materials/Porous Materials

Wed. Sep 15, 2021 1:00 PM - 3:45 PM Rm. A (ZoomRm.A)

座長:北薗 幸一(東京都立大学)、高田 尚記(名古屋大学)

1:15 PM - 1:30 PM

[9] Progressive failure prediction during bending of advanced SiC/SiC CMC component

*Amit Patel1,2, Eiichi Sato2 (1. The Univ. of Tokyo、2. ISAS,JAXA)

Keywords:SiC/SiC、Ceramic Matrix Composite、XFEM、Matrix-crack、Modeling

The present study aims to predict the fracture behavior using XFEM during bending loading in the high-stress concentration region of the SiC/SiC CMC component.

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