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4.Mechanical Properties » Mechanical Properties of Materials and Sturucture

[G] Mechanical Properties of Materials and Sturucture (2)

Fri. Sep 17, 2021 1:00 PM - 4:20 PM Rm. D (ZoomRm.D)

座長:高田 尚記(名古屋大学)、戸高 義一(豊橋技術科学大学)

2:50 PM - 3:05 PM

[46] Effect of building direction on microstructure and mechanical properties of β-containing TiAl alloys fabricated by electron beam powder bed fusion

*Ken CHO1, Hirotaka ODO2, Hiroyuki. Y YASUDA1, Masao TAKEYAMA3, Takayoshi NAKANO1 (1. Osaka Univ., 2. Osaka Univ., 3. Tokyo Inst. Technol.)

Keywords:Additive Manufacturing、TiAl合金、組織制御、高温引張特性


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