

8.Structural Materials » Structural Materials


[P] P35~P46

Tue. Mar 16, 2021 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM ZoomRm.Poster

10:00 AM - 11:30 AM

*Tomoki Kuroda1,2, Haruki Masuyama2,3, Yoshiaki Toda2, Tetsuya Matsunaga2,4, Tsutomu Ito5, Makoto Watanabe2, ryosuke Ozasa6, Takuya Ishimoto6, Takayoshi Nakano6, Masayuki Shimojo7, Yoko Mitarai2,4 (1. Shibaura Inst. of Tech., 2. NIMS, 3. Shibaura Inst. of Tech., 4. The Univ. of Tokyo, 5. Toyama Pref. Univ., 6. Osaka Univ., 7. Shibaura Inst. of Tech.)


[P] P88~P98

Tue. Mar 16, 2021 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM ZoomRm.Poster



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