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[S2] Materials Science and Technology in High-Entropy Alloys VII

Wed. Mar 16, 2022 1:00 PM - 4:10 PM Rm. J

Chair:Kodai Niitsu(Kyoto Univ.)

2:15 PM - 2:35 PM

[S2.21] Work strengthening and dislocation density in cold-swaged FeNiCoCrMn high entropy alloy

*Pramote THIRATHIPVIWAT1, Yusuke ONUKI1, Shigeo SATO1 (1. Ibaraki University)

Keywords:High entropy alloy、Plastic deformation、Dislocation density、Line profile analysis

The microstructural characteristics as well as the high compositional complexity of FeNiCoCrMn HEA facilitate the large dislocation accumulation and subsequently large work strengthening.

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