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[S3] Evaluation, analysis, and prediction of energy related materials performance (II)

Thu. Mar 17, 2022 9:50 AM - 12:00 PM Rm. N

座長:池田 輝之(茨城大学)、宮崎 秀俊(名古屋工業大学)

11:40 AM - 12:00 PM

[S3.23] Thermoelectric Performance of W-substituted Fe2VAl Thin Films Deposited on n-Si wafers

*Fahmi Machda1,2,3, Kentaro Kuga1,2,3, Saurabh Singh1,2,3, Masaharu Matsunami1,2,3, Tsunehiro Takeuchi1,2,3 (1. Energy Materials Laboratory, Toyota Technological Institute, Nagoya 464-8603, JAPAN、2. Research Center for Smart Energy Technology, Toyota Technological Institute, Nagoya 464-8603, JAPAN、3. JST-CREST, Tokyo 102-8666, JAPAN)

Keywords:Thermoelectric、Heusler Alloy、Thin film、Sputtering

We are trying to investigate the key factors leading to the high thermoelectric performance of the Fe2VAl-based Heusler alloy synthesized on n-Si substrates by RF magnetron sputtering.

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