
Presentation information


[S5] S5.Materials Science of Additive Manufacturing II: Creation of Materials by Superthermal Field(1)

Wed. Sep 20, 2023 1:20 PM - 5:10 PM Rm. I (2nd Flr. Education and Research Building, School of Engineering)

Chair:Kohei Morishita

1:55 PM - 2:20 PM

[S5.8] Size effect on printability in powder bed fusion using an electron beam

*Kenta AOYAGI1,2, Keiji YANAGIHARA1,2, Kimio WAKOH1,2, Manabu ONO1,2, Kenta YAMANAKA1,2, Akihiko CHIBA2,3 (1. Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku Univ., 2. TRAFAM, 3. NICHe, Tohoku Univ.)



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