


[IS] 国際セッション(2) Cutting-Edge Science and Technology in Additive Manufacturing(2)

2023年9月22日(金) 10:30 〜 12:00 A会場 (工学部総合教育研究棟1階多目的ホール)

座長:CHOI Hyunjoo (KMU, Korea)

11:00 〜 11:30

[IS13] Control of Crystallographic Texture and the Related Material Properties via Metal Powder Bed Fusion

*Takuya ISHIMOTO1,2, Aira MATSUGAKI2, Ryosuke OZASA2, Ozkan GOKCEKAYA2, Takayoshi NAKANO2 (1. Univ. Toyama, Japan, 2. Osaka Univ., Japan)

キーワード:Powder bed fusion、Crystallographic texture、Melt pool

A melt pool-based mechanism of peculiar texture formation under the powder bed fusion (PBF) and the contributions of the texture to the mechanical properties are presented.

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