


6.材料プロセシング » 固相プロセス 固相・溶接プロセス

[G] 固相プロセス 固相・溶接プロセス(3)

2023年9月22日(金) 10:10 〜 14:55 E会場 (工学部総合教育研究棟2階24講義室)

座長:國峯 崇裕(金沢大学)、鈴木 飛鳥(名古屋大学)、長谷部優作(日本製鋼所)

10:25 〜 10:40

[150] Compositionally Graded Titanium to Aluminum processed by Laser Powder Bed Fusion Process: Microstructure Evolution and Mechanical Properties

*Phuangphaga DARAM1, Alok SINGH2, Makoto WATANABE1 (1. Research Center for Structural Materials, National Institute for Materials Science.、2. Research Network and Facility Services Division, National Institute for Materials Science.)

キーワード:Laser powder bed fusion process、Compositionally graded materials、Ti-Al alloy、Microstructure、Mechanical properties

The L-PBF process can produce continuously compositionally graded Ti-Al material in one time without macro-horizontal cracks in the center of the sample.

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