


4.力学特性 » 力学特性

[G] 力学特性と組織

2023年3月9日(木) 09:00 〜 12:00 D会場 (11号館1階1101)

座長:岸田 恭輔(京都大学)、足立 望(豊橋技科大)

11:30 〜 11:45

[80] Improvement of plating properties of steel plate by application of ultrasonic

*MANOVA RAJA SINGH SELVARAJ1, Choi Yong bum1, Koshiba Takuya1, Hoshino Katsuya2, Miyata Mai2, Okumura Yusuke2 (1. Hiroshima University、2. JFE Steel Corporation)

キーワード:High-tensile strength steel、Hot-Dip Galvanizing plating method、Ultrasonic Vibration<Cavitation Effects >、Physical Vapor Deposition method<SiO2 oxide layer>、Interfacial Bonding Strength、Remove Oxide Layer、Nanoindenter

The cavitation effect of ultrasonic vibration on the hot-dip galvanizing plating process in order to improve interfacial bonding strength and remove the oxide layer from the steel surface.

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