
Presentation information


[J] JIMM-ISIJ Joint Session : Titan and Its Alloys

Thu. Mar 9, 2023 9:30 AM - 11:50 AM ISIJ's room no.7 (Rm.159, 2nd Flr., Build.No1)

座長:御手洗 容子(東大)、田原 正樹(東京工業大学)

10:10 AM - 10:30 AM

[J3] oxygen interstitials make metastable β titanium alloys strong and ductile

*Yan Chong1, Reza Gholizadeh1, Baoqi Guo1, Guohua Zhao1, Nobuhiro Tsuji1 (1. Kyoto University)

Keywords:metastable titanium alloy、grain size、oxygen interstitials、yield strength、strain hardening

oxygen interstitials make metastable β titanium alloys strong and ductile

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