


10. エネルギー関連材料 » 原子力材料

[G] 原子力材料

2023年3月9日(木) 13:00 〜 16:00 K会場 (13号館1階1311)

座長:藤井 克彦(株式会社原子力安全システム研究所)、大野 直子(横浜国立大学)

14:00 〜 14:15

[273] The Stability of Nano-Oxides in ODS Steels under Ion Irradiation

*WANG ZIDENG1、YANG HUILONG2, LIJUAN CUI1, SHEN JINGJIE3, KANO SHO1, ABE HIROAKI1 (1.Graduate School of Engineering, the University of Tokyo, 2.School of Nuclear Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 3.National Institute for Fusion Science)

キーワード:nuclear materials

The impact of the dose gradient on the stability of nano-oxides was studied under ion irradiation is evaluated under the 2.8 MeV Fe ion irradiation condition at 623K.

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