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10. Energy and Related Materials » Hydrogen and Battery Related Materials

[G] Hydrogen and Battery Related Materials

Fri. Mar 10, 2023 9:20 AM - 11:30 AM Rm. K (Rm.1311,1st Flr.,Buld.No.13)

座長:高木 成幸(東北大学)、齋藤 寛之(国立研究開発法人量子科学技術研究開発機構)

9:35 AM - 9:50 AM

[281] Solid-State Lithium-Ion Battery Based on Magnesium Oxide Modified Composite Electrolyte in Ambient Temperature

*Yuchen Yao1, Rini Singh2, Hiroki Miyaoka3, Takayuki Ichikawa2 (1. Hiroshima university Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering Transdisciplinary Science and Engineering Program, 2. Hiroshima university Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering Mechanical Engineering Program, 3. Hiroshima university Natural Science Center for Basic Research and Development)

Keywords:All-Solid-state Lithium-ion Battery、Electrolyte、Ambient temperature

The electrolyte were modified by magnesium oxide at room temperature and prevent its side reactions at high temperature. Battery was successfully built and operated at room temperature.

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