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8.Structural Materials » Structural Materials

[P] P153~P167

Tue. Mar 12, 2024 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM 3F Library Hall Bldg.

4:00 PM - 5:30 PM

[P153] Dislocation structures of fatigued near-[001] copper single crystals under high strain amplitude

*Bohan WANG1, Tomotaka MIYAZAWA2, Toshiyuki FUJII2 (1. Tokyo Tech (graduate student), 2. Tokyo Tech)

Keywords:Fatigue、Copper Single crystal、Cell structure、Slip system、Scanning transmission electron microscopy

Fatigue tests of near-[001] copper single crystals under high plastic shear strain amplitude were performed to characterize the formation process of dislocation structure.

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