The 30th Annual Conference of Japanese Neural Network Society


Thu. Dec 3, 2020

5 results  (1 - 5)

  • Plenary Talk
  • | JNNS2020
  • | Plenary

Thu. Dec 3, 2020 9:00 AM - 9:50 AM Oral Session (Zoom)

Chair:Shigeo Sato(RIEC, Tohoku University)

  • Plenary Talk
  • | JNNS2020
  • | Plenary

Thu. Dec 3, 2020 1:00 PM - 1:50 PM Oral Session (Zoom)

Chair:Kiyotaka Naoe(Graduate School of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University)

  • Contributed Presentation (Oral)
  • | JNNS2020
  • | Oral

Thu. Dec 3, 2020 10:00 AM - 12:05 PM Oral Session (Zoom)

Chair:Ko Sakai(Department of Computer Science, University of Tsukuba)

  • Contributed Presentation (Oral)
  • | JNNS2020
  • | Oral

Thu. Dec 3, 2020 1:50 PM - 3:05 PM Oral Session (Zoom)

Chair:Hiroaki Wagatsuma(Kyushu Institute of Technology)

  • Contributed Presentation (Poster)
  • | JNNS2020
  • | Poster

Thu. Dec 3, 2020 3:15 PM - 5:15 PM Poster Session

2020年12月3日(木) 15:15 〜 17:15