The 30th Annual Conference of Japanese Neural Network Society

Presentation information

Satellite Symposium

The 9th RIEC International Symposium on Brain Functions and Brain Computer » Oral

Oral 1
General Session

Sat. Dec 5, 2020 9:05 AM - 12:00 PM On-demand video with live chat

2020年12月5日(土) 09:05 〜 12:00

[GS-05] Physical reservoir computing in neural-network hardware history: Dynamics features of spin-wave and optical reservoirs

*A. Hirose1, R. Nakane1, J. B. Héroux2, T. Yamane2, H. Numata2, D. Nakano2, G. Tanaka3 (1. Dept. of EE & IS, The University of Tokyo, 2. IBM Research, 3. IRCN, The University of Tokyo)